I must, I must, I must increase my bust! Are you there God? It’s me Margaret, by Judy Blume
Are you there God? It’s me Margaret, is the title of Judy Blume’s 3rd novel, considered to be the author’s first book for adolescent readers. This is a great book, with many layers. It’s not just that Margaret is 11 going on 12 and wants to get her period. She has just moved to the suburbs of New Jersey from Brooklyn. Her parents don’t totally get along with her father’s mother (Jewish ) and are completely estranged from her mother’s parents (Christian ). Margaret just wants to get along and fit in. Twelve is a lot harder than eleven, what with boys, periods, bras, and school dances.
Margaret’s special relationship with God was another things that connected me to the book. She, like me could talk to God about everything- family, friends, even Phillips Leroy, the best looking boy in sixth grade. Margaret is funny and real. As you read her story, you’ll know why this book has become the favorite of millions of readers. It seems as if Margaret is talking directly to you, and sharing her secrets with her closest friend.
Reviewed by a staff member of First Regional Library
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Even I read Judy Blume as a kid and I HATED reading. Judy Blume always held my attention though. I think it was the humor that must've grabbed me. Kinda like how my boys will read Captain Underpants all day long but I can't get them to even think about doing their school readings. For great deals on great children's and young adults books check out http://barrelofbooksandgames.com/otchyoadse.html