Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Tree Girl, by T.A. Barron.

A Bear with Secrets?

Anna, a lonely girl who desires a friend more than anything, lives in a cottage on a deserted island with a cranky old fisherman she calls "Master".

She is not allowed to go into the forest even though she yearns to , Master has warned her of the ghouls that live there and their desire to harm her. They had attacked her and her mother when she was a baby and he had saved her, there under the roots of the "High Willow". She loved to sit atop of the tree, "Ole Burl", and look deep into the forest at the High Willow.

Time moved on and she continued to cook and clean for master, but she still desired more. One day while out working in the garden a strong gust of wind came and blew her bonnet into the forest, and without thinking, she went after it.

She spied two bear cubs playing in the forest, when one of them saw her she was so afraid she ran off. Days went by and curiosity got the best of her, and she decided to find the bear again. Secretly, Anna and the bear, Sasha became best friends.

Will he help her in discovering the mysteries of her mother or will his secrets destroy their friendship?

Reviewed by Teresa, First Regional Library

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